Ed Selley  |  Dec 12, 2011  |  0 comments
No lightweight… This slimline AVR re-imagines home cinema for the network age. Steve May hums The Times They Are a-Changin’…

Whether through luck or design, Marantz has created something rather special with the NR1602. Driven by a desire to innovate within the often stultifying constraints of hardcore AV, the company has taken the traditional hefty AVR form factor and chopped it in half. The result is a component with a good deal more va-va-voom than its peers.

Ed Selley  |  Dec 12, 2011  |  0 comments
Raw power, no frills Richard Stevenson auditions the wild child of audio visual receivers and finds that this non-conformist is a credit to the NAD lineage

NAD is not a brand to follow the masses. In fact, while the AVR herd are grazing on features and connecting to the milking machine of network integration, NAD receivers are more ‘free range’. The T757 goes a step further and is truly feral. What we have here is a significantly wallet-wrenching AV receiver that has thrown off what are considered basic features on even budget models costing one-fifth of the price. Instead, this chunky beast concentrates on sonic performance, delivering your speakers an ultra- clean analogue signal designed to make your ears love you. I would even go so far as to say that its dark grey exterior and clean lines make it the best-looking NAD receiver yet, too.

Anton van Beek  |  Dec 05, 2011  |  0 comments

At first glance, JJ Abrams’ new sci-fi flick stands out from the rest of this year’s blockbusters by virtue of not being a remake or based on an existing property. But looks can be deceiving. While Super 8 is essentially an original story, it’s so heavily indebted to the early films of Steven Spielberg (right down to the pre-credits use of the original Amblin Entertainment logo) that it actually feels like a remake.

Anton van Beek  |  Dec 01, 2011  |  0 comments

X-Men: First Class recently arrived on Blu-ray. Was there any discussion about filming it in 3D?

Anton van Beek  |  Nov 21, 2011  |  0 comments

Taking its cue from Hitchcock’s Strangers on a Train, this likeable comedy stars Jason Bateman, Charlie Day and Jason Sudeikis as three friends who decide to kill each others’ horrifically unbearable bosses (Kevin Spacey, Jennifer Aniston and Colin Farrell, respectively).

Mark Craven  |  Nov 20, 2011  |  0 comments

For serious AV-holics a 40in 3DTV just won’t do. The best way (some would say the only way) to watch Full HD 3D Blu-rays is on a projector screen. This is certainly the opinion of the owner of this dedicated movie room, which flaunts JVC’s flagship X9 PJ for full-size 3D thrills.

Anton van Beek  |  Nov 14, 2011  |  0 comments

While it never quite matches up to the brilliance of the original, this second animated outing for Po and the Furious Five is a worthy sequel that stands up there with the best of DreamWorks’ animated output.

Anton van Beek  |  Nov 14, 2011  |  0 comments

Orson Welles’ final foray as a Hollywood director is known as much for the chaos surrounding its release as for the story it tells. A hot, sordid slice of film noir set on the Mexican border and starring Charlton Heston, Janet Leigh and Welles himself, Touch of Evil was famously re-cut by Universal before its release in 1958.

Anton van Beek  |  Nov 07, 2011  |  0 comments

Was there ever another Disney classic that’s had as much success as The Lion King? A box office sensation on its original cinema release in 1994, the film went on to set new sales records on VHS and DVD, before ushering in an award-winning Broadway musical adaptation and two further direct-to-DVD sequels. And all that before it smashed box office records again earlier this year during its limited 3D re-release in cinemas.

Anton van Beek  |  Nov 02, 2011  |  0 comments

Following the crippling one-two punch of X-Men: The Last Stand and X-Men Origins: Wolverine, time was surely running out for this superhero franchise. The only thing that could possibly turn things around was a complete reinvention of the series.
